Monday, 10 March 2008

Heywood Family Campout 2008

Family Meal Schedule:

Friday Lunch: Bring Your Own

Friday Dinner: Blake & Breckon

Saturday Breakfast: Mason & Anna

Saturday Lunch: Amanda, Courtney & Tyler

Saturday Dinner: Paul & Megan

Sunday Breakfast: Kris and Mindy

Sunday Lunch: Mom & Dad

Dates: Main Camp: July 18th, 19th & 20th Backpacking Portion: July 17th & 18th

Campground: Moosehorn, Sites 28 & 30

Cost: -$6 per adult for the campsite reservations
-$6 per car for the recreation pass into the forest

Notifications: We are NOT at Mirror Lake this year, we are at Moosehorn Campground. It is about one half mile before Mirror Lake if coming from Kamas on SR 105. The Entrance is on the left side of the road instead of the right and is the campground just before Mirror Lake.

Again, the fire hazard is predicted to be HIGH once again. Be cautious even with the wet winter we had. Fires will only be allowed in the fire pits already in place.

We are only allowed 2 cars per site (total of 4 cars for the family.) We need to car pool the best we can. Any additional cars will be assessed a $10 per night fee. Also, make sure that if you do drive that your recreation pass is displayed in your front window.

We’ll have babies up there with us so keep on eye on them. Keep them safe! Help out their parents if they need it. And if you have a baby please, do your child the favor of bringing them along so they may gain an appreciation of the natural world Heavenly Father gave us.
This is the view from Moosehorn Lake.

Topographic map showing the Moosehorn Campground in relation to Mirror Lake.

Backpacking Portion 2008

Dates: July 17th & 18th

Destination: Amethyst Lake*

Distance: 13.2 miles round trip (6.6 miles one way)

Elevation Change: 1,950 Ft

Trail Head: Christmas Meadows
*Destination still to be determined

I removed the confirmation numbers for security. Otherwise this post is the same as what I have given the family.


Anna Heywood said...

Thanks for the info and for putting all this together. I loved our trip last year and am really looking forward to this year's campout. I am so excited, I can hardly wait!