Probably not a good idea to play "DiveBomb" right after you feed your baby. This Bomb hit it's mark almost spot on with about half landing in my mouth... the other half was on the face.
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Dive Bomb
Posted by Paul's Opinion at 9:06:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: Parenthood
Monday, 10 March 2008
Heywood Family Campout 2008
Family Meal Schedule:
Friday Lunch: Bring Your Own
Friday Dinner: Blake & Breckon
Saturday Breakfast: Mason & Anna
Saturday Lunch: Amanda, Courtney & Tyler
Saturday Dinner: Paul & Megan
Sunday Breakfast: Kris and Mindy
Sunday Lunch: Mom & Dad
Dates: Main Camp: July 18th, 19th & 20th Backpacking Portion: July 17th & 18th
Campground: Moosehorn, Sites 28 & 30
Cost: -$6 per adult for the campsite reservations
-$6 per car for the recreation pass into the forest
Notifications: We are NOT at Mirror Lake this year, we are at Moosehorn Campground. It is about one half mile before Mirror Lake if coming from Kamas on SR 105. The Entrance is on the left side of the road instead of the right and is the campground just before Mirror Lake.
Again, the fire hazard is predicted to be HIGH once again. Be cautious even with the wet winter we had. Fires will only be allowed in the fire pits already in place.
We are only allowed 2 cars per site (total of 4 cars for the family.) We need to car pool the best we can. Any additional cars will be assessed a $10 per night fee. Also, make sure that if you do drive that your recreation pass is displayed in your front window.
We’ll have babies up there with us so keep on eye on them. Keep them safe! Help out their parents if they need it. And if you have a baby please, do your child the favor of bringing them along so they may gain an appreciation of the natural world Heavenly Father gave us.
This is the view from Moosehorn Lake.
Topographic map showing the Moosehorn Campground in relation to Mirror Lake.
Backpacking Portion 2008
Dates: July 17th & 18th
Destination: Amethyst Lake*
Distance: 13.2 miles round trip (6.6 miles one way)
Elevation Change: 1,950 Ft
Trail Head: Christmas Meadows
*Destination still to be determined
I removed the confirmation numbers for security. Otherwise this post is the same as what I have given the family.
Posted by Paul's Opinion at 3:44:00 pm 1 comments
Labels: Sharp Family Approved
2 Party System
Let me preface this posting by stating that any political-governmental system that is in place will work and be functional when and if the leaders of that system are moral, ethical and above all, in the position to serve the people they are called or elected to lead. The reverse is also true. Any political-governmental system in place with ultimately fail if the leader of that system is amoral, corrupt, and in the position for personal/political gain. Having said this, our founding fathers did their best to protect the fledgling country they were beginning by introducing a system of checks and balances. There by limiting the governing power of any one individual by splitting it up among groups of leaders. I believe that their reasoning for this was because of their belief that the majority of the people would not be corrupt or seeking personal goals.
The country as a whole outside of the world of politics, I believe, is ethical and moral. Inside the world of politics however, I see the Federal and upper levels State Governments as ruled by interest groups and plagued by those seeking personal gain. This is not to say that every individual in the upper echelons of the government are corrupt. However, I do see more and more evidence that individuals are more focused on themselves, their gains & their obligations to those that helped them rise to power; rather than the country and the good of the people for which they are elected to serve.
The country has through its life created two political parties. In essence these parties are the “conservative” Republicans and the “liberal” Democrats. Ultimately, I have personally found that the two parties boil down to two major ideas on Federal and Central Governments. The Republicans work for a smaller centralized government with more control going to the local governments. The Democrats work for a larger centralized government with smaller local governments subservient to the central government. This is nothing to say about the conservative or liberal nature to the issues with which the political parties work towards.
I think that the issues (i.e. abortion, definition of marriage, national defense, the economy, taxes, etc.) only arise from the people that participate in the party. Will the Democratic Party one day, be considered more conservative than the republicans? I think that it is a real possibility.
My reasoning comes from what I have seen happen in local and national elections and what is happening in legislative sessions both locally and nationally. Let me use the local issue of School Vouchers as an example. Local Republican officials overwhelmingly supported school vouchers. This would move the control from larger centralized governments of the state and school boards to the local person by using tax dollars to subsidize private charter schools. However, Democrats moved to oppose the school vouchers. There by keeping the tax payer’s dollars in the school districts and the public schools. Not using public tax funds for private schools and charter schools.
Now I must ask myself, where do I put me on this scale? Am I a Republican or a Democrat? The question I feel must be answered as we are only in a two party system. To have my vote and my voice really be heard I have no other choices. The question unfortunately, has very little to do with the morality of the issues, ethics or the sides of the story. Members from each party that are in control consistently find themselves on either side of the aisle. Therefore, I do not think that party affiliation has anything to do with conservatism or liberalism. I believe that it has to do with what your view of government should be, i.e. large centralized governments with smaller localized districts or smaller centralized government with larger local precincts. With this definition, I place my self in the Republican Party. This however, I must state has nothing to do with the issue I mentioned above. I was overwhelming AGAINST school vouchers! (Blog coming discussing my position on this issue possibly in the future.)
Now, where do I place myself on the Conservative-Liberal Scale? I would put myself as moderate conservative. I consider myself open minded to other people’s views. I like to look at what is presented objectively and then make a decision that way. I do not just take a look at an issue then say: “Well other’s that are in my circle say this about the issue so I will too.” When I look at most issues with an open mind and subjectively I find myself taking a conservative point of view. I am pro marriage, pro life, I see national defense as a major need, I feel privatized health care is the reason for our high health standards in this country, and I think that the economy is best self managed rather than the government taking major controlling steps industry. I am deathly afraid of socialism. I see socialism as one step to total governmental control of the people and a step in the direction of communism. I have lived in a socialistic country and found it deeply flawed. I saw people that were not industrious and dependant on the government for their livelihood. They find it easier to collect the government welfare checks rather than working to support themselves and their families. I feel that the socialist system must be avoided for this reason. Any step towards this is a step in the wrong direction.
Should we help the poor? Yes, I believe we must help them to get into a position that they can begin to help themselves. Do we need healthcare reform? Yes, we should do so in a way that the market drives down prices. Do we need to continue in Iraq? Of course, we must sort out the mess that we started and not just leave a struggling nation to the wolves of extremism. Are we the “big brother” of the world? I think to an extent we are, so long as we have sorted out ourselves we have an obligation to help others in need when we have the means to do so.
As for staying away from Socialism and governmental market control, capitalism is in essence a good system. It rewards those that work hard and does not significantly reward those that are lethargic. I must say that any economic system will be flawed in one way or another. I do not think that there is a perfect economic system out there that will completely be void of all corruption and exploitation. There will be those that can take advantage and get ahead. There will be those that struggle their entire life and not go anywhere; however, the capitalist system, as a whole, rewards effort and perseverance.
As for the two party system that the country uses, I find it flawed. I would like to see parties that are truly based on conservatism, liberalism or moderate-ism, along with the ideas of government power. I would like to have more real choice than just two parties. I would like to not be forced between the “lesser of two evils.” I feel like my voice is not heard because of my Moderate views. Who is there to voice the views of the Ultra-Conservative when a Moderate is running against a Liberal? For that matter, what happens when anyone is not represented? How do we account for that? I don’t think that there one all-reaching way that we can have every voice heard, or every point of view represented.
I simply find it frustrating when those elected are not representative of your views. It is even more frustrating when neither of those that ran for the elected office on both sides of the ticket are not representative of your views. I don’t want to seem like a poor looser of sorts, let the candidate win that gains the majority of the vote, (thereby representing the majority of the populace.) However, my cry is: “Give me a voice that can be heard!”
Posted by Paul's Opinion at 11:22:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Paul's Opinion
Sunday, 9 March 2008
American Arrogance
Where do I want my country to be in four years? I would like to see us more tolerant of other people, & cultures. I think that we need to realize how we became what we are. As a powerful and wealthy nation we have a responsibility to be the big brother of the world. I would like to see compassion to those less fortunate in our own country. I want to see a country of people that works hard rather than expecting the government to take care of them. I would like to see the country more patriotic and open about their patriotism. I would like to see out political leaders lead with ethics and a strong sense of morality, rather than acting in self political preservation.
Where do I think we are now? I see the country spinning out of control. I see lip service paid to the important issues with no real hard action taking place. I see us as habitual consumers with no regard of natural limitations. I see people expecting the government to bail them out of their own bad choices. I have seen and heard people making decisions based on the superficial. (“Hillary Clinton just looks like a good president.” “I am voting for Obama because he is black.” “I could never vote for Romney because he is Mormon.” “John McCain is just too old to be president.”) I see the world looking at us in disdain and rightly so. We have been ill informed and too concerned with our selves, too eager to shoot and ask questions later. We have been too arrogant of our position and our own superiority.
Posted by Paul's Opinion at 1:45:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: Paul's Opinion
Saturday, 8 March 2008
Recantation on My view on Pits
I have gotten a lot of crap for my view on the pits at the Willem Show on Saturday. It seems that I am just an old man and don't know what I am talking about. Sorry. I take it back, beat the hell out of anyone weather they like it or not. This seems to be the way it is at shows these days. I apologize for the yearning for the days when people were polite in the pits and watched out for the people who didn't want to be apart of them and wanted to maybe watch the band that is playing up on stage. Whatever, I guess those days are gone. Good on you Salt Lake for having the reputation of being a violent scene, you must be the wave of the future. (originally posted March 1, 2005)
Posted by Paul's Opinion at 10:39:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: Paul's Opinion
Reasons Why I HATE Wal-Mart
1. They have single handed increased the trade deficit of this country from $3 billion annually to over $17 billion.
2. Advertise "Made in America" but the labels say "Made in China, Indonesia, or some other 3rd world country"
3. Have been sued for improper treatment of full and part time employees in at least California.
4. Forces home grown American companies to out source to 3rd World countries to lower their manufacturing costs so that they can compete either with Wal-Mart or to sell through Wal-Mart
5. They are the corporation to blame in the Chapter 11 filing of Rubbermaid
6. Implemented in hostile and illegal land buying schemes in multiple states near local competition.
7. Drive local wages down in rural and low income areas perpetuating poverty in the communities that they are supposed to be helping with their presence.
8. Their small consumer electronics and electrics are of sub-par quality
9. Dirty and disorganized stores.
10. Unfriendly non-customer service oriented staff.
11. Lack of Corporate standardization on company policy, i.e. one Wal-Mart will say one thing and follow one policy whilst another down the street will not.
Posted by Paul's Opinion at 10:36:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: Paul's Opinion