Friday, 25 April 2008

Major Changes to the Family Campout

I have made some major changes to the family camp out. No longer will it be held in July. We are going the middle of August. Further, we are now at Mirror Lake Campground (same place as last year.)

New Dates: August 14-17 for the reservation. This is a Thursday through Sunday.

Backpack Trip will be held from August 14-15.
The actual family portion will be from the 15 (Friday) to the 17 (Sunday) However, if you would like to come up Thursday you are more than welcome. You will be responsible for your own food however.

Food assignments will stay the same. The cost will be similar with no expected change. The backpacking destination will be the same unless otherwise noted. I would like the family feed back on this so please review and let me know what you think.

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Thanksgiving Point Scottish Festival & Highland Games

This is a fun event even if you are not scottish! If you do come, come by the Stewart Tent and say hello!

When: June 13-14

Friday: 5 pm – 10 pm
Saturday: 9 am – 10 pm

Where: Electric Park at Thanksgiving Point, Lehi Utah


Friday Evening Tattoo: $7
Friday Evening Concert: $5
Saturday Adults: $10
Children: $7

Weekend Rate:

Adults: $16
Children: $13